Short on time but eager to master AI?

Unlock the power of AI with our AI Accelerator Course. Designed especially for professionals and SMEs without a tech background, this comprehensive online course simplifies AI, giving you actionable insights to harness its potential today.

With succinct, bite-sized videos, journey at your own pace from novice to AI master. Benefit from tailored use cases and detailed tutorials, ensuring AI becomes a transformative tool tailored to your unique needs.

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Is This Course Right For You?

Who is this for?

The AI Accelerator Course is crafted for professionals, senior leaders, and SMEs eager to harness the transformative power of AI. If you're driven to reshape your work landscape and amplify value through practical AI applications, this is your essential toolkit.

Who should NOT buy this course?

This isn’t tailored for those in large, rigid organisations with inflexible IT frameworks or minimal innovation bandwidth. A gentle nudge – the AI-driven wave is imminent, and if you're not on board, you risk being left behind. Additionally, if you're deep into the realms of Machine Learning, crafting AI models and chat-bot integrations with vector databases, this course might be covering ground you’re already familiar with.

Is this all about ChatGPT?

No. While ChatGPT does feature in parts of our course (alongside a spectrum of other AI services, models, and tools), our primary aim is broader: to cultivate an intuitive understanding of where and how you can strategically deploy AI. Instead of merely handing you a tool, we're empowering you with the skills to adapt and innovate in the AI realm.

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In this course lesson sample, our founder Mike Chatterton explains the world's most powerful prompt.

AI Accelerator Course Content

Introduction to AI Icon

AI Primer

The first module delves into the significance of AI in today's digital landscape. This gives you everything you need to know about what’s going on right now in AI and why it is such a ground breaking moment.

AI in Action Icon

Large Language Models

Module two dives into the intricacies of AI Large Language models. We unravel the mechanics behind these models and guide you in harnessing them for an array of tasks. The focus is placed on the context window — a crucial element for understanding AI dynamics. Additionally, we introduce prompting techniques designed to yield optimal AI outputs. 

AI Applications & Workflows icon


Our third module goes deeper into personalisation and customisation and this is where the magic really starts to happen as you start to discover what this really means for the way you work.

Databases & Tools icon

 Tools & Techniques

The concluding module offers key tools and techniques that bring you into the post AI world, giving you a suite of new AI capabilities which will change how you approach work generally.

This course gives you:

  • A clear understanding of AI and how you can use it.
  • Access to AI tools to improve the way you work immediately.
  • Customised instructions you can use right now to get the best results.
  • Access to powerful AI workflows to give you an edge
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Unlock unprecedented growth for your organisation with our AI Accelerator Workshop

AI Workshop